Se siente bonito cuando las personas que más estimas te regalan unas palabras bonitas, un regalito inesperado o simplemente su tiempo queriéndote decir lo mucho que te quieren y te estiman. En este cumpleaños no quise planear nada y me dispuse a disfrutar de la espontaneidad del día, el resultado: perfecto para mí, porque la pasé feliz.
It feels pretty when people you love the most share with you some special words, an unexpected gift or just a little of their time, trying to tell you how much they care about you. This year I decided not to plan anything for my birthday so I enjoyed the day´s spontaneity, the result: perfect for me, I had a very happy Birthday!
Sólo se vive una vez...
And about been happy, we were philosophising with some friends and we reached the conclusion that you don´t have to be happy only because of the things that you have or don´t have, because of the things that people do or don´t do or even with the things they say or prefer not to say. It´s all about been happy because of yourself; celebrating just the way you like it, eating what you like, listening what you like, dancing what you summary doing what you like with whoever you like. And all that for? Being happy...and by that I´m not trying to say to forget about the whole world and its habitants, I´m just saying that once in a while you should spoil yourself; read a book, get a bike ride, eat an icecream, go out and run, laugh alone, wear yellow and blue shadows on your eyes, get sugar, honey and cream on your fried bananas, open a blog, write about anything you want and be just happy.
You only live once...